Status System

A person's status is a mixture of rank, standing and public view. Though a whisper alone will not topple a Price, the right rumor in the correct ears could make his Sheriff look mighty foolish. Status comes in static (the points on your sheet that reflect your rank) and dynamic (a set of points which can be altered by action or rumor mongering). Dynamic status is ever shifting and
may be influenced by other characters.

Marcel, who has a status of 5 worth 5000 points, wishes to subtley teach a young up and comming neonate a lesson. He choses to speak disdainfully of his victim to the Harpies and the Sheriff and a number of other important individuals in seemingly random, casual conversations. The Prince's displeasure carries a mighty weight and soon
rumors and speculations begin to float about and all eyes turn on the poor neonate with specultion and suspicion.

Your status is taked as dice and rolled against a difficulty of 6. Your opponent's is also rolled, if they have any at all, at the same difficulty. For each success over theirs, you are able to lower their dynamic status by 10%. If, however, they gain more successes,
then you take the penalty as you are found to be a petty liar.

Marcel rolls 5d10 and gains 4 successes, the neonate rolls 2d10 and gets 2 successes. Marcel ends up with a net of 2 successes and lowers the neonates 2000 point rank by 20%. His new dynamic rank is now 1600.

Kindred are somewhat flighty in their immortality, however, and old rumors don't interest them very long. So,
these little losses are forgotten eventually as new and more interesting bits of gossip come along.

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